Friday, March 22, 2019

Traveller Box

Mongoose Traveller 2e Starter Set
Mongoose Publishing has the current license to publish Traveller. The first edition of the game Mongoose released is very similar mechanically to the original Little Black Books and their second edition doesn't differ enough to make huge ripples among those in the hobby who follow Traveller. I can still use older material written for prior editions with Mongoose Traveller 2e. The Mongoose 2e presentation is excellent with much new art, slick glossy paper and a very nice box for the starter set which includes setting material, a nice map and beginning adventure. The core rules are also available in a stand alone hardcover book for those who prefer that format.
For me personally, I like games that come in a box. Boxes are nice. They sit nicely on the shelf, they hold the game materials together in one place and make transporting the game easy. The box adds a little class, especially if it's attractive...and it can feel like I am opening a hidden treasure, revealing something special when I remove the box lid. I appreciate Mongoose producing a very sturdy and attractive box with their starter set. It even includes dice!

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