Friday, July 24, 2020

The Beggar's Mark

Seeds for an Episodic Urban Campaign
Drawing inspiration from time spent revisiting Fritz Leiber's Lankhmar stories and Goodman Games excellent Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG, in particular the latter's pages 43-44, I have been thinking about an urban campaign. The two-page illustration (a section of which appears above) depicts many aspects of the "shady side" of the game's Thief class. The illustration appears to be the work of Stefan Poag and demonstrates the level of old school artwork found throughout DCC RPG. In this section of the illustration DCC RPG artist (Stefan Poag) pays homage to AD&D PHB artist D. A. Trampier. We all draw our inspiration from somewhere!
So here are my "inspired" ideas for a campaign I am calling "The Beggar's Mark":
As a stranger to the city you find yourself funneled to "The Warren", an area outside the walls where most foreigners dwell. A "Gate Tax" must be paid to enter the city where no armor may be worn and weapons larger than a dagger must be "peace bonded". Spell use inside the city is strictly controlled by The Guild.
Rumors of treasure can be heard aplenty. There are wanted posters for those who have broken one of the many laws. For those wishing to avoid the inconvenience of the Gate Tax, illicit entry into the city can be gained through the sewers which are controlled by the Beggars' Guild - the "stink" being known as the "Beggar's Mark." 
Upon the gibbet hangs a famous thief - some say the gem he stole is still in his stomach!
Patrolling the city streets are the "Knight Watchmen" - vigilantes? or maybe thieves?
The new Overlord looks worried. Perhaps the 12 Spiders have something to do with that?
Some warn to stay clear of the Hobbit's "Family Business"!
Who is the "Cat Burglar"? Several cats have "gone missing" - is it wererats? (Perhaps a cat "familiar" seeks a solution.
"The Chimney Creep!"
The Gnome Pickpocket - child thieves who dress as "gnomes". They HQ at "The Orphanage" which is in a dark temple to a reawakened god(dess).
The "Patsy" - Mob is hiring muscle (to take the fall).
A vengeful imp, whose mage is murdered by a rival, plots revenge and seeks help.
The "Key Seller" claims he has the key to several locked doors - he will sell the key for a price.
A jealous "lover" who is plotting the elimination of a rival.
A vendor who claims she has "magical fruits".
Are the ravens circling the city someone's trained pets?
"Give the dog a bone" - I am thinking of Sweeney Todd's meat pies!
The Magician's purse is stolen. What magic does it contain?
The Spider's Web - informants?
The Artist who is magically able to transfer affections through his "art".
Dirty Laundry - blackmail most foul.
Although I am not a huge fan of the Greyhawk thief as a class, especially among dungeon delvers, I think I understand why Gary Gygax includes thieves among his milieu and why Gord the rougue may be his most iconic fiction character. This particular DCC RPG illustration, seemingly titled "a man among men, a thief among thieves", brings to mind the possibilities inherent in the class. It is merely one of hundreds of inspiring pictures as nearly every page of the massive DCC RPG tome is richly illustrated with such black and white old school drawings, each containing many a story just waiting to unfold at your gaming table. Even if you never use the rules as written, I find the DCC RPG is a wealth of inspiration.

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